Events from April 3 – April 17 › Library events › – Visit Edgerton

Paint Night

Edgerton Public Library 10 Albion St., Edgerton, WI, United States

Adults, stop in and paint along to a YouTube video with no pressure to create a masterpiece. Chat, laugh, have a great time, and leave with a beautiful painting. All supplies are provided.  Advance registration required.

Author Talk: Amy Pease

Edgerton Public Library 10 Albion St., Edgerton, WI, United States

Edgerton Library hosts Wisconsin author Amy Pease to kick off National Library Week to discuss her book Northwoods, which is set in a fictionalized resort town in Northern Wisconsin. The book is described as a thriller that starts with the murder of a teenaged boy. Edgerton patrons and staff who […]

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Community Coffee Hour

Edgerton Public Library 10 Albion St., Edgerton, WI, United States

Come and spend an hour at the library enjoying a hot cup of coffee or tea and the company of others. Snacks and beverages provided. Gather in the library's comfortable seating area on the first floor near the circulation desk to spend time with friends old and new.

Euchre and Coffee

Edgerton Public Library 10 Albion St., Edgerton, WI, United States

Come to the library for a friendly game of Euchre with friends new and old. Coffee, tea, and cards provided; you bring the conversation and competition.

Chit Chat and Crafts

Edgerton Public Library 10 Albion St., Edgerton, WI, United States

Bring a friend and make some new ones while creating beautiful works of art. All supplies are provided. Please register to attend.