Submit Your Event

Event Submission

Send us your event for inclusion in the Visit Edgerton website calendar. This is a tourism website, and events that may be of interest to visitors are preferred. Events that take place in a private home will not be accepted. Events must take place in the immediate Edgerton area, including Newville, Albion, Fulton, Indianford and Lake Koshkonong. We reserve the right to refuse events for any reason.

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Start Time(Required)
Last date of event, if multiple days. If non-consecutive dates, enter last date, but include date details in description.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
End Time
If multiple days with multiple time ranges, please include details in description.
Event Address(Required)
Enter “Free” if no cost.
Website or page specific to the event is preferred.
If online tickets are available.
Facebook event (not a post) is preferred. Events with their own Facebook page can include the general page link.
Published Email
Contact Name(Required)
Will not be published.
Contact Email(Required)
Will not be published – used only if there are questions about the event.
Events with photos draw more attention! Please only provide photos you have permission to use from the photographer. Wide format photo preferred; we will crop and resize if needed. If a photo credit needs to be added, include that in the event description.
Max. file size: 50 MB.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.